Bio : In August 2021, Roberto Baldoni was appointed by Prime Minister Draghi as first General Director of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN). He resigned in March 2023 during Prime Minister Meloni’s administration. From December 2017 to August 2021, he served as Deputy Director General of the Information Department for Security. In these capacities, he had the responsibility of developing the National Cybersecurity Architecture and orchestrating coordinated responses to cyberattacks with implications for national security. Among his notable achievements during this period, Baldoni led the working group responsible for designing and drafting the « National Security Perimeter for Cyber » Law (approved in November 2019), including five descending executive decrees to enforce its provisions. He also led the working group that drafted legislation restructuring Italy’s Cybersecurity Architecture and establishing the ACN (DL n.82/2021). Baldoni headed the work for the setup of the ACN, of the Italian Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) and of the National Center for Certification and Evaluation. Additionally, he led an interministerial working group responsible for shaping the National Cloud Strategy and the National Cybersecurity Strategy, which also encompassed an implementation plan. The latter was subsequently enacted as an executive decree by the Prime Minister in May 2022. Before this, Roberto Baldoni held a Full Professor position of Computer Science at La Sapienza University of Rome from 2002. During this time, he founded in 2010 and directed Italy’s first research center focused on « Cyber Intelligence and Information Security ».
February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024
Abstract submission deadline
March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024
Paper submission deadline
April 22 ,2024
Accept/Reject notification
May 12 ,2024
Camera ready copy due
May 27-28 ,2024
Metis Spring school
May 29-31 ,2024
Netys Conference