Keynote Talk : Consistency of Distributed Data Structures


Distributed systems are often considered more challenging to program than sequential systems because they entail solving numerous communication related issues. Shared objects, which can be concurrently accessed by the processes, may serve as a practical abstraction of communication. A precise specification of these objects is crucial to ensure their adoption. Finding correct and efficient implementations of common objects (e.g., queues, stacks) is far from trivial and can be even impossible. Intuitively, a « good » implementation of a concurrent object must satisfy two properties: a consistency condition and a progress condition, which respectively specify the meaningfulness of the returned results and the guarantees on liveness.

Linearizability is a consistency condition that ensures all operations in a distributed history appear as if they were executed sequentially: each operation occurs at a single point in time, between its start and end events. This gives processes the illusion of accessing a physical concurrent object. A significant challenge in distributed computing is that wait-free linearizable implementations are often costly, if not impossible. As a result, researchers have explored weak consistency criteria such as PRAM, causal memory, and eventual consistency.


February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024

Abstract submission deadline

March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024

Paper submission deadline

April 22 ,2024

Accept/Reject notification

May 12 ,2024

Camera ready copy due

May 27-28 ,2024

Metis Spring school

May 29-31 ,2024

Netys Conference


Revised selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer's LNCS "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"

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