Keynote Talk: Hardware-based Confidential Computing: verifying Arm-V9 CCA
Gustavo will present emergent technologies for hardware-assisted confidential computing in the Cloud. he will then focus on the case of the Arm Confidential Computing Architecture (CCA), an architectural extension of Arm-V9. Gustavo will show also how Arm applies a number of formal methods to guarantee security properties of Arm CCA.
This tutorial is aimed at presenting confidential computing at a high-level, and demonstrating how we apply formal methods in industry to validate security critical components.
February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024
Abstract submission deadline
March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024
Paper submission deadline
April 22 ,2024
Accept/Reject notification
May 12 ,2024
Camera ready copy due
May 27-28 ,2024
Metis Spring school
May 29-31 ,2024
Netys Conference