Thursday May 20 |
Friday May 21 |
Saturday May 22 |
Sunday May 23 |
08h00 |
Registration and Opening |
Registration |
09h00 |
Pervasive Computing
Prof Rachid Guerraoui
EPFL, Lausanne
Switzerland |
Long Running Transactions in Cloud Storage Systems
Liuba Shrira
MIT/Brandeis University
Information Retrieval from the Cloud
Prof Thomas Hofmann,
Google, Zurich
Switzerland |
Visit |
10h30 |
Coffee Break |
11h00 |
The Multicore Revolution
Prof Maurice Herlihy
Brown University/MIT
Service composition: Deriving Component Designs from Global Requirements
Pr. Gregor v. Bochmann
University of Ottawa
Canada |
Next Generation Business Process Management
Boualem Benatallah
University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney, Australia) |
12h30 |
Lunch |
14h00 |
Content dissemination over structured p2p overlays
Prof Anne-Marie Kermarrec
INRIA Rennes, France |
Visit |
Dynamic distributed systems
Prof Michel Raynal
INRIA/IRISA, Rennes, France |
Departure |
15h30 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Poster Session
PhD Students |
Cloud and Service Computing
Pr. Stefan Tai
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Germany |
Fez Visit
| Fez Visit
20h00 |
Diner |
Banquet |
Diner |