Under The High Patronage of His Majesty The King Mohammed VI
Fourth Edition of the International Spring School on Distributed Systems
Quatrième Edition de l’Ecole Internationale de Printemps
SystèMEs RéparTIS / Distributed Systems
How to Secure Distributed Systems?
Marrakech, April 27-29, 2011
The spring school will be held at
Hotel Kenzi Farah
, Marrakech
Today’s Internet carries huge volumes of personal, business and financial data, much of which is accessed wirelessly through mobile devices. Security measures are increasingly essential to protect systems and data from attack and abuse.
After the success of the first, second and third editions of the International Spring School on Distributed Systems (SystèMEs réparTIS) METIS’2008 in Rabat, METIS’2009 in Marrakech, METIS-CTDS’2010 in Fez (Organized Under the High Patronage of His Majesty The King Mohammed VI); this fourth edition will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from April 27th to 29th 2011 METIS-CTDS'2011 will address the hot topic of distributed systems security.
This international spring school provides a broad coverage of recent advances and trends related to distributed systems security such as: Protection of Privacy in Distributed Systems, Trustworthy Information Distribution and Retrieval, Cloud Security, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Security and Privacy of Peer-to-Peer Systems, Wireless Networks Security.
The METIS-CTDS’2011 Spring School will provide a unique opportunity to researchers, PhD students and engineers to attend talks and discuss hot topics in distributed systems security from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. The topics of this year's Spring School will be presented by world-class experts.