The origin of NETYS dates back to the International Spring School on Distributed Systems organized under the name “METIS”. After the success of the first two editions of METIS’2008 in Rabat and METIS’2009 in Marrakech, both in French, the last three editions, METIS-CTDS’2010 in Fez, METIS-CTDS’2011 in Marrakesh and METIS’2012 in Tangier were in English. Along the different editions of METIS, different topics related to distributed systems have been addressed, from the “Principles of Distributed Systems” and “How to Secure Distributed Systems” to “Social Networks”. All involved a prestigious list of speakers.
January 15, 2013
Abstract submission deadline
January 28, 2013 (23:59 Hawaii time)
Submission deadline
March 21, 2013
Acceptance notification
April 21, 2013
Camera ready copy due