Bio: Eduard Gorbunov is a postdoctoral fellow at MBZUAI hosted by Samuel Horváth and Martin Takáč. Previously, he worked as a junior researcher at MIPT and as a research consultant (remote postdoc) at Mila, in the group of Gauthier Gidel. He obtained his PhD degree at MIPT, Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, where he worked under the supervision of professors Alexander Gasnikov and Peter Richtárik. His research interests include Stochastic Optimization and its applications to Machine Learning, Distributed Optimization, Derivative-Free Optimization, and Variational Inequalities. In 2019, he got the Ilya Segalovich Award (highly selective).
February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024
Abstract submission deadline
March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024
Paper submission deadline
April 22 ,2024
Accept/Reject notification
May 12 ,2024
Camera ready copy due
May 27-28 ,2024
Metis Spring school
May 29-31 ,2024
Netys Conference