Robert Basmadjian

Bio : Robert holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toulouse on distributed data synchronization protocol. After completing his doctorate, in 2009 he joined the University of Passau as a postdoctoral fellow, where he obtained his habilitation in 2019. Since then, he has been appointed as professor in the department of computer science both at the University of Passau and Clausthal University of Technology. He is current a member of the College of Computing at UM6P as an Associate Professor. He has more than 10 years of experience in the fields of teaching, research and development tackling methodologies and concepts of computer science both from classical and quantum computing perspectives. His main research interests are (1) modeling of performance-energy trade-off for HPC data centers using queuing theory methodology, (2) ML-based prediction modeling using peer to peer approach (use case of smart thermostats), (3) statistical and AI-based modeling for the percentage of renewables, (4) modeling, designing and optimizing quantum circuits (e.g. QRAM, arithmetic) using queuing theory, and variational quantum algorithm design and quantum machine learning for renewable energy sources. He has more than 60 scientific publications in the fields of sustainable, green and quantum computing. He was a scientific and technical contributor to EU FP7 FIT4Green and ALL4Green projects related to demand-response in data centers as well as technical coordinator of H2020 Electrific project. He is currently scientifically collaborating with the DARPA project “Quantifying Utility of Quantum Computers” (USA) coordinated by Rigetti in designing quantum decoder circuits using classical queuing theory.


March 1st ,2025

Abstract submission deadline

March 8th ,2025

Paper submission deadline

April 14th ,2025

Accept/Reject notification

May 21-23 ,2025

Netys Conference


Revised selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer's LNCS "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"

Parteners & Sponsors (TBA)