Martijn de Vos

Bio : He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Scalable Computing Systems (SACS) Laboratory of EPFL University, where his work is centered on the development of efficient and scalable machine learning systems. His research interests encompass machine learning systems, as well as distributed and decentralized systems, and distributed ledger technology. In 2021, he completed his PhD thesis, titled « Decentralization and Disintermediation in Blockchain-based Marketplaces, » under the guidance of Dick Epema and Johan Pouwelse. He finished his master’s thesis at Delft University of Technology in 2016. The thesis, « Identifying and Managing Technical Debt in Complex Distributed Systems, » focused on enhancing various aspects of a long-standing academic software project known as Tribler. Additionally, he runs his own company, CodeUp, which specializes in the development of mobile applications (iOS/Android) and web/email hosting services. Further information about these services can be found on the CodeUp website.


February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024

Abstract submission deadline

March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024

Paper submission deadline

April 22 ,2024

Accept/Reject notification

May 12 ,2024

Camera ready copy due

May 27-28 ,2024

Metis Spring school

May 29-31 ,2024

Netys Conference


Revised selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer's LNCS "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"

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