Rafael Pires

Bio : He is a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science at EPFL, working within the Scalable Computing Systems laboratory, which is under the direction of Prof. Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Before this, he was part of the University of Neuchâtel, supervised by Prof. Pascal Felber. His research primarily focuses on developing systems solutions to enhance security and privacy in distributed systems through the use of trusted execution environments. More broadly, his interest lies in systems research, currently applied to federated and decentralized ML.


February 29 ,2024 March 11 ,2024

Abstract submission deadline

March 7 ,2024 March 18 ,2024

Paper submission deadline

April 22 ,2024

Accept/Reject notification

May 12 ,2024

Camera ready copy due

May 27-28 ,2024

Metis Spring school

May 29-31 ,2024

Netys Conference


Revised selected papers will be published as a post-proceedings in Springer's LNCS "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"

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