The NETYS 2014 Program Committee awarded the best paper and the best student papers awards to:
Best Paper Award : Hardness of Firewall Analysis
by : Ehab Elmallah and Mohamed Gouda.
Best Student Papers :
- Disjoint-access parallelism does not entail scalability
by: Rachid Guerraoui and Mihai Letia.
- Intelligent Multipath Optimized Link State Routing Protocol for QoS end QoE enhancement of Video Transmission in MANETs
by : Abdelali Boushaba, Adil Benabbou, Rachid Benabbou, Azeddine Zahi and Mohammed Oumsis
January 17, 2014
Abstract submission deadline
January 24, 2014
Submission deadline
March 24, 2014
Acceptance notification
April 24, 2014
Camera ready copy due